Older Men With Sensitive Skin: How Do You Manage Your Problems?

Health & Medical Blog

If your're an older male who experiences sensitive skin, you might try different products to improve your situation. But if commercial moisturizers aren't effective enough to protect your skin from chafing, irritation, and redness, you might give up or hope that your skin improves on its own. You shouldn't give up just yet. You can find relief from your skin's problems with the information and tips below. Why Is Your Skin Sensitive?

27 February 2017

How Bullying Can Lead To Schizophrenia

Health & Medical Blog

Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental health issues because it can make it impossible for a person to function properly without serious help. Researchers and mental health experts are somewhat mystified by where it develops, but studies have shown that being bullied at a young age could lead to the development of this serious condition. Bullying Can Cause Trauma Symptoms Children who are bullied often develop serious symptoms of trauma that may influence their development.

27 January 2017

Four Ways You Can Manage Back Pain During Your Pregnancy

Health & Medical Blog

As your body changes to accommodate your growing baby, it is not uncommon to suffer from back pain. The body produces hormones that allow the pelvis to relax during delivery; unfortunately, these hormones also cause the ligaments in the spine to loosen. The loosening of these ligaments also contributes to back pain.  However, just because back pain is common during pregnancy does not mean you have to deal with it until you deliver your baby.

12 January 2017

Dashing Through the Snow With Foot Arthritis: 3 Tips for Less Pain

Health & Medical Blog

When you have any form of arthritis affecting your feet, the sight of snow and ice can make you cringe. If you must wade through the frozen precipitation, there are ways to keep your feet warmer and reduce pain. Protect Your Feet From Cold And Moisture Although it seems obvious to wear a layer or two of socks, you may not think about protecting your feet from moisture. The easiest way to minimize the amount of snow or water that soaks through your shoes is to use plastic bags.

11 January 2017