Adult Acne: Blasting Zits Into Oblivion

My name is Jamie Turner and when I turned 22, I started to form a horrible case of acne. I used every cleanser and lotion I could find and I even asked my physician for a topical steroid cream to clear up the zits on my face. After six months of treatment, my physician completed a blood test that concluded that a hormone imbalance was causing my acne. I started on therapy to control the amount of estrogen my body produced. The therapy along with a good diet and exercise regimen helped to clear up my acne. I am sharing my story, because acne is not just a condition that affects teenagers. It can affect adults at any age, and it can cause a great deal of embarrassment. Don't let your acne go untreated. Read my blog instead and learn about both natural and medical treatments that can help you.

2 Things You Should Never Lie To Your Doctor About During A Physical

Health & Medical Blog

Annual physicals are an important part of maintaining your health and wellness while reducing your risk of life-threatening disorders and diseases. Unfortunately, doctors cannot fully understand your physical and emotional needs if you are not being honest about your health. Even though you may be saving yourself some embarrassment, lying about certain things will prevent your doctor from giving you the proper care you need. Here are a few things you need to stop lying about during your annual physicals.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use

Most people understand the dangers of smoking, drinking alcohol, and using recreational drugs, so you may lie about your use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs to avoid seeing disappointment in your doctor's eyes.

It is important to understand that your doctor wants the best for you and your health. Therefore, he/she will not judge you for your habits. However, your doctor will advise you against smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, and using recreational drugs because these habits are not good for your underlying health.

Your doctor will ask if you use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, so make sure you are open and honest about your use. Many solutions are available to help you reduce or stop your intake of these items that can be hazardous to your health.

Depression/Anxiety/Mood Swings

It is normal to experience sadness, anxiety, emotional highs, and emotional lows throughout your life. If you are experiencing certain emotions more continuously, make sure to let your doctor know, because these feelings could be a sign of a more serious mental health disorder.

Depression may be common, but it should still be taken seriously. If you are part of the 15 percent of the adult population who has experienced depression at some point in their life, the emotions may last a lifetime without proper treatment.

Also, depression is often linked to another mental health disorder, such as anxiety. If you are experiencing one feeling, you may require treatment for multiple mental health issues.

Finally, intense highs and intense lows could indicate bipolar disorder, which may require medication in addition to counseling.

Never be ashamed to talk about your emotions with your doctor because even the simplest of feelings could be signs that you are dealing with a serious mental health condition.

Your primary care physician wants the best for your health and wellness, but they need to know how you live and feel. This guide will help you avoid lying to your doctor about important habits and emotions. 


25 September 2018