Adult Acne: Blasting Zits Into Oblivion

My name is Jamie Turner and when I turned 22, I started to form a horrible case of acne. I used every cleanser and lotion I could find and I even asked my physician for a topical steroid cream to clear up the zits on my face. After six months of treatment, my physician completed a blood test that concluded that a hormone imbalance was causing my acne. I started on therapy to control the amount of estrogen my body produced. The therapy along with a good diet and exercise regimen helped to clear up my acne. I am sharing my story, because acne is not just a condition that affects teenagers. It can affect adults at any age, and it can cause a great deal of embarrassment. Don't let your acne go untreated. Read my blog instead and learn about both natural and medical treatments that can help you.

3 Fundraising Tips For Raising Money For Kenyan Primary Care Centers

Health & Medical Blog

In Kenya, there is an epidemic of famine. This affects many members of the community, making it all the more important to have primary care centers available. You can do your part to support these communities and improve their health by following these fundraising guidelines: 

Establish a Financial Goal

When it comes to raising money for a good cause, it helps to establish some sort of financial goal. This gives you something to aim for and keep everyone motivated during fundraising and charity events. It's important to set your financial goals high, because more often times than not, you'll work harder and overachieve. 

Coming up with a realistic figure might be a little easier if you research the costs of keeping primary care centers in operation. Operation costs vary from country to country but try to research different areas to establish a baseline. 

Send Personalized Thank-You Letters

It shows a lot of character for a person to dip into their savings and offer a charitable donation. As such, you need to reward these donations with personal thank-you letters. Let those who donate know how important their donations are and what the money goes towards. 

Although email is a faster way of writing these thank-you letters, hand-written letters show a deeper appreciation. Those who donated will feel you took time out of your day and that their offerings really do matter. This increases their chances of spreading the word to their friends and family for more donations. 

Start a Social Media Awareness Campaign

There are over 1.96 billion social media users worldwide. It only makes sense to use these social media platforms to promote and shine a light on this healthcare fundraiser. You can spread awareness quickly and reach people across the globe. 

Even if people don't have money to donate, you can get people to post links in their status-update bar. People on the web are then more susceptible to seeing these statuses and might be compelled to make a donation. 

Another trick you might try is creating a viral video and submitting it via social media. In these videos, highlight the struggles the people of Kenya are facing. The serious tone of these videos might compel more people to donate. 

The world isn't perfect. There are plenty of places like Kenya that need primary care centers. Raising money for said centers is possible if you develop an effective fundraising campaign and know what you're fighting for. Contact a Kenyan primary care centers charity donations service for more information and assistance. 


13 November 2017