Adult Acne: Blasting Zits Into Oblivion

My name is Jamie Turner and when I turned 22, I started to form a horrible case of acne. I used every cleanser and lotion I could find and I even asked my physician for a topical steroid cream to clear up the zits on my face. After six months of treatment, my physician completed a blood test that concluded that a hormone imbalance was causing my acne. I started on therapy to control the amount of estrogen my body produced. The therapy along with a good diet and exercise regimen helped to clear up my acne. I am sharing my story, because acne is not just a condition that affects teenagers. It can affect adults at any age, and it can cause a great deal of embarrassment. Don't let your acne go untreated. Read my blog instead and learn about both natural and medical treatments that can help you.

Pediatric Epilepsy: Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

Pediatric epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the neurological system, characterized by a recurrence of seizures due to abnormal electrical impulses within the brain. Many children outgrow epileptic convulsions by adolescence. This condition may be diagnosed early on by a pediatric neurologist. Once a diagnosis has been conclusively made, treatment may begin, and lifestyle changes may be implemented to keep the seizures under control.

Epilepsy in Childhood: Recognizing the Symptoms

The main symptom of childhood epilepsy is recurring seizures. This may begin in infancy or later during the pre-teen years. Although a seizure may be caused by another factor, such as a high fever or injury to the head and brain, children with epilepsy often experience seizures on a recurring basis.

Just prior to experiencing a seizure, the child may seem confused. He or she may look dazed and stare blankly into space. When a convulsive episode occurs, the limbs may jerk and shake uncontrollably. This may last for a minute, or for several minutes. Some children experience loss of consciousness, while others are aware of their surroundings.

If your child experiences any of these symptoms, even for the first time, you should seek medical attention at once. Children who have experienced a seizure on more than one occasion may need to be evaluated by a specialist. In such a case, a pediatrician may refer your child to a pediatric neurologist.

How Epilepsy Is Diagnosed

Upon your child's first visit to the pediatric neurologist, a medical history and subsequent evaluation will be necessary. The specialist will need to know the exact symptoms your child has experienced and how often they have occurred. A medical history will also need to be disclosed. Your child's pediatrician may fax the medical records to the neurologist. Next, a physical examination and tests may be performed.

There are a few methods of testing for epilepsy in children. The specialist may check your child's motor coordination and reflexes. Mental cognitive function may be tested as well.

The doctor will also need to test for any abnormal brain waves and activities in the brain, and this may be performed through a test known as an electroencephalogram, commonly referred to as an EEG. This works by placing some electrodes on the head, attached by a gel-like substance to keep them in place. These electrodes will record the brain activity, and a technician may then perform an analysis.

A CT scan or MRI may also be performed. The CT scan (properly called computerized tomography) is somewhat like an x-ray, but more detailed, as cross sections of the brain will be shown on the scan. This gives the doctor a clearer view of possible abnormalities within the brain. The MRI (or in medical terms, magnetic resonance imaging) uses a magnetic field of energy and radio waves that will offer a more detailed picture of the brain. Both of these tests can help make a conclusive diagnosis of childhood epilepsy.

The Treatments for Childhood Epilepsy

The most common way pediatric epilepsy is treated is through the use of prescription medications. These medications are meant to keep seizures under control or prevent them from recurring. Anti-seizure medications may lessen the intensity of a seizure. Your child may need to take the medication for a set period of time, or until he or she is seizure-free. If your child is currently taking other medications, your doctor will have to know, as there may be a risk of drug interactions.

Your child's doctor may also recommend a dietary change. In many cases, a ketogenic diet may bring about a positive improvement. This diet requires eating foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Your child may need to see a dietitian who can create a dietary plan to follow. It is a strict plan and must be followed carefully.

When prescription anti-convulsant medications and dietary changes do not bring results, epilepsy brain surgery may be recommended as a last resort. This may require removal of a small section of brain that is causing the convulsions. The physician may determine if your child is a candidate for this type of surgery and if the benefits may outweigh the risks. To learn more about neurological services and treatment, check out websites like


22 August 2017