Adult Acne: Blasting Zits Into Oblivion

My name is Jamie Turner and when I turned 22, I started to form a horrible case of acne. I used every cleanser and lotion I could find and I even asked my physician for a topical steroid cream to clear up the zits on my face. After six months of treatment, my physician completed a blood test that concluded that a hormone imbalance was causing my acne. I started on therapy to control the amount of estrogen my body produced. The therapy along with a good diet and exercise regimen helped to clear up my acne. I am sharing my story, because acne is not just a condition that affects teenagers. It can affect adults at any age, and it can cause a great deal of embarrassment. Don't let your acne go untreated. Read my blog instead and learn about both natural and medical treatments that can help you.

Foot Issues That You Shouldn't Ignore If You're A Diabetic

Health & Medical Blog

If you are a diabetic, you know all too well that it can be a daily struggle to keep your blood sugars within the normal range. Glucose that consistently runs high puts you at a higher risk for complications from the disease. One health issue to be concerned with is your foot health. Here are a few signs and issues that warrant a trip to your foot doctor for further evaluation and care.


Many people who have diabetes also have a condition called neuropathy. Neuropathy is where the normal nerve function throughout certain parts of the body is diminished. This occurs mainly in the extremities, such as the arms and legs, but it can occur anywhere throughout the body. Some of the main signs include:

  • Feeling of pins and needles in the area
  • Minimal or severe loss of sensation in the area
  • Affected area is painful to the touch

Diabetic neuropathy is a serious complication resulting from diabetes. It could lead to permanent nerve damage if not treated aggressively.

Open Sores And Wounds

Another condition that can occur with a diabetic is a lack of proper blood flow throughout the body. With diabetes, the blood vessels in your foot can become narrow and harden. This results in poor blood flow. Anytime you get a foot ulcer or sore, you are at a high risk for infection because of high blood sugars and lack of blood flow. If you have any type of open sore on your foot, don't hesitate to see a foot doctor right away. This can prevent further complications, including possible amputation.

Athlete's Foot

With diabetes, you are at a higher risk for fungal infections because of higher blood glucose levels. Sometimes a fungal infection in your foot can spread and turn into Athlete's Foot. Fungus that overgrows in areas that are moist or wet, such as between your toes, can lead to more complicated issues if left untreated, such as:

  • Under-the-toe fungal infections
  • Open sores or wounds caused from tearing of the skin or skin breakdown
  • Itching that leads to a bacterial infection
  • Advanced infection that may require advanced treatment or surgery  

Ask your foot doctor how to properly treat your Athlete's Foot before it becomes a major health complication.

Charcot Foot

In cases of severe diabetic neuropathy, a condition called Charcot Foot or Charcot Joint can occur. This can be a deforming and debilitating condition that presents itself in some diabetic patients. When a weight bearing joint becomes affected due to lack of proper blood flow and weakness, it can begin to deteriorate and eventually become deformed. If you have problems with your legs and feet, discuss with your doctor ways to prevent Charcot Joint from happening to you.

Routine foot care is important for all diabetics. Contact a foot doctor from a company like Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC for an evaluation and diagnosis based on your health needs.


23 June 2016